Our Business

We provide Qualified Staff to Perform:

  • Meat Inspection
  • Meat Classification
  • Meat Inspection Training
Meat Inspection

Rendering independent meat inspection services to abattoirs according to the Meat safety Act 40 of 2000.

Meat Classification

Meat Classification is the marking of a carcass, indicating age, fatness, conformation and damage on a calf, bovine, sheep, goat and pig carcasses.

Meat Inspection Training

Over and above its assignee duties, IMQAS is required to assist training institutions with practical training of learners who require training


Welcome to IMQAS

IMQAS is an independent service provider primarily supplying abattoirs with qualified, skilled meat inspection and classification personnel.
  • Meat Inspection
  • Meat Classification
  • Meat Inspection Training
Our Services
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To be the provider of choice for meat safety and quality assurance services to the meat industry.


Through the integrity, innovation and technical capabilities of our staff, we render professional, independent and internationally recognized quality assurance services to the meat industry in South Africa.

IMQAS places emphasis on excellence and high standards.  To maintain this, our services are managed and evaluated by a well-qualified and experienced technical team.
This entails the following:
  • Induction training of new employees
  • In-service training and evaluation of existing meat examiners, meat inspectors and meat classifiers
  • Continuous training to enable employees to stay abreast of new regulations, methods and techniques.
  • Internal auditing of our personnel to improve quality of inspection.
  • Auditing by means of the HAS evaluation.
Our integrity is based on fair, honest and trustworthy behaviour without any compromise from our staff, in all our activities and we strive to maintain our professional independence at all times.

We are committed to offer our customers professional and mutually beneficial value-added business relationships.  We will utilize the most advanced technology as the key to supply our clients with the most cost-effective solutions.  We will continually challenge ourselves to deliver innovative and value-added services.

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